Ajudar Os outros perceber as vantagens da gemstone

Ajudar Os outros perceber as vantagens da gemstone

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Green tourmaline is a soothing and stabilizing stone that boosts spiritual courage and physical vitality.

Emeralds had the reputation too of being able to cure diseases, force a lover to tell the truth and make the wearer an eloquent speaker.

An opal doublet consists of a slice of conterraneo opal glued to a black backing, which causes the color to become more vibrant.

In addition, it is the birthstone of July, and it is also a commemorative gem for the 40th wedding anniversary. The Bible considers rubies to be the most precious of all gems.

Amethyst Geode Slice combines an outer shell of pure rock with the interior of Amethyst crystal with its characteristic color from lilacs with pink undertones all the way up to raspberries with hints of red and blue.

Epidote is actually a group of closely related minerals, but in the gem trade, the name typically refers only to the gem-quality green variety of the mineral epidote. Epidote occurs in all shades and tones of green, with yellowish-green or pistachio color being most typical and most desirable.

When worn, jasper sharpens the mind and protects it from both physical and psychological dangers. It brings peace and stillness during periods of stress and fear and bolsters courage, enabling the bearer to face life’s problems steadfastly.

Black tourmalines look dark and deep. They are said to help effectively eliminate stress, fatigue, and turbidity and improve physical health and luck.

Onyx focuses and directs your energy toward your goals, helping you stay the course. It can help you rebuild your vitality after a prolonged illness or period of depletion, and is useful for work that requires disciplined focus and perseverance.

Spectrolite is a trade name referring to a rare variety of labradorite. Some rare specimens of labradorite display a full spectrum of colors, not only violet, blue and green; but also yellow, orange and red. These rare specimens have been given the name spectrolite.

One of the most versatile of gems, tourmaline is found in every color. It can show every tone from pastel to dark, and can display various colors in the same stone.

Like its feminine and soft color, pink opal has soothing and calming effects. This stone is renowned for helping concentration. It also allows a more serene sleep. Pink opal is recommended for people who have difficulty accepting themselves.

Legrandite is a very soft gemstone with intense lemon yellow color that is onyx western most used as collectors stone.

Quartz is one of the most common minerals on Earth and is well known in the gemstone world in its many forms including amethyst, citrine and ametrine.

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